Ielts Speaking Recent Actual Tests 2019

IELTS Writing Task 2 (also known as IELTS Essay Writing) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay...

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Check out Sample Answers by IELTS chạy thử takers for a recent IELTS speaking tests in 2020.

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

Of course, there's no other way to lớn achieve your target score than khổng lồ practice everyday. But, we can practice smart when we applying these tips...

Reading Tips

To be well-prepared for the IELTS thử nghiệm (both IELTS Academic & IELTS General Training Module), you can practice these topics at home before sitting...

Recent Actual Tests

 What would Differentiate you from the Other Candidates while Attempting the Speaking Task? A large number of candidates appear...

Speaking Tips

 Here is the recent exam Essay Writing Question appeared in Writing task two.The answer has been evaluated và a model answer is specified.A...

Going on with the new series, here’s one more Essay Writing Evaluation question.The question as appeared on the cue thẻ is‘Social...

What happens within the first 5 minute face to face interview of the IELTS Speaking Test?

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

Here is a detailed analysis of one of the latest ielts speaking cue thẻ that appeared in 2017. We have worked out the analysis by giving...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 Let us try out the following IELTS Speaking Part 3 section that appeared in November. You can first read the question và record your response....

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 IELTS Speaking Cue CardTopic: Childhood IELTS Speaking sample Part 2 Cue Card: What you loved to...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 Let us solve one cue card that was recently asked to lớn a candidate in the IELTS speaking exam. IELTS Speaking Cue thẻ Talk about your...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 Let us try lớn solve an IELTS cue thẻ question asked recently in the IELTS speaking exam. IELTS Speaking Cue card Discuss a sports activity...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 IELTS speaking part 2 is the section where examiner will give you some time khổng lồ prepare on a given topic và then you have lớn continuously...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 Let us solve an IELTS speaking cue card that was asked in a recent exam.IELTS Speaking Cue thẻ Describe a person who you met recently...

Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 IELTS Speaking part 1 consists of questions that start from your introduction such as your name, place, work etc. To warm you up & make...

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Speaking Recent Actual Tests

 Preparation for IELTS speaking demo requires you to lớn put immense efforts so that you are able to give your best on the day of your exam....