Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition

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Sword Art Online: Hollow Realizationmight be the best Sword Art Onlinegame yet.

Bạn đang xem: Sword art online: hollow realization deluxe edition

Then again, we might not be talking about all that much. This is, after all, just the third majorSword Art Online game (fifth, counting revamped re-releases), situatedalong a quality range firmly within the “inoffensive” spectrum.

That said, Hollow Realizationwould be easy to lớn recommend, và in fits of inspired design, comes the closest yet khổng lồ really capturing what it might feel lượt thích to actually play the online RPGs Sword Art Online‘s cast are constantly engaged with. In short, it’s a game that almostwarrants an an unqualified thumbs-up.

Now, if only it weren’t a Sword Art Online game…


Outside of combat,Hollow Realizationtries to simulate the social aspect of MMOs. Players can attempt khổng lồ chat up và befriend any other player or NPC, even the random ones walking around town that aren’t part of the main cast. A button can bring up a “profile page” showing a player’s personality traits, và each personality trait (such as “Curious” or “Sexy”) comes with a series of related attributes và abilities. With enough badgering, any fellow player can be recruited as a tiệc ngọt member, và praising them when they bởi vì good things in battle can affect their personality, combat tactics, and stat growth. It’s a clever system, though it may be slightly too subtle in practice, as during my time I couldn’t really figure out how to engage with it in ways beyond pressing a button to lớn say “Good Job!” whenever my girlfriend stabbed a quái dị particularly hard.

It’s easier to engage with the upgraded visuals, though.Hollow Realizationfinally looks better than an upscaled PS3 game, with more detailed models & environments, và a more colorful, lush look overall. Unfortunately for Vita owners, this comes at catastrophic costs in performance. Don’t play the Vita version.

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I feel conflicted aboutSword Art Online: Hollow Realization, because while it’s never been more interesting lớn play as a game, the fact that its narrative is typical of latter-daySword Art Onlinestories has actually become something of a liability. A bolder story, one that took more risk, established a better sense of stakes, or even did something other than tread water would definitelynotbeSword Art Online-like, và would make it much easier lớn recommend to lớn people outside the show’s fanbase. As it stands, though,Hollow Realizationremains aSword Art Onlinegame, for betterandworse.