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‘She also famously described US ambitions as ‘imperialist’ and advised Richard Nixon lớn read up on Vietnamese history.’‘I, for one, have no idea whether this is appropriate in Vietnamese culture or not, nor what a bishop can & cannot permit in his own diocese.’‘He liked Asian people, Vietnamese people in particular, & their culture, considerably more than he liked Australian culture.’‘The opening scene begins with Ho Xuan Huong in Vietnamese peasant clothing, at the funeral of Commissioner Coc.’‘Their village had been overrun by Vietnamese troops in 1979.’‘My recipe for today is for Vietnamese lemon chicken.’‘Larger donations can be channeled lớn specific Vietnamese groups.’
‘From the 1400s on, the Cambodians lost territory khổng lồ both the Siamese and the Vietnamese.’
‘Thais and Vietnamese also came in large numbers & this is really where Asian Fusion cooking was born.’‘They cốt truyện their classrooms with Arabs, Africans và Vietnamese.’‘Western love songs, especially slow, sad songs recorded by Asian artists, are also much loved by the Vietnamese.’‘He honestly thought that Americans tried to improve the lot of the Vietnamese.’‘The streets lớn the American Embassy were so crowded with GIs and Vietnamese alike, all wanted lớn leave the gem of the orient.’‘I think it"s no accident that the best cooks on Earth are the Basque and the Vietnamese.’

2The language of Vietnam, which is probably a Mon-Khmer language although much of its vocabulary is derived from Chinese.

‘He speaks five languages, Vietnamese, French, Greek, Spanish & some other obscure language.’

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‘This person may have married an Irish person but probably still thinks in và speaks Vietnamese.’‘In addition, Cambodians have borrowed words from Thai, French, Chinese, và Vietnamese.’‘The books have been re-published many times, in a number of different Asian languages including Japanese và Vietnamese.’‘For general sessions I speak in Vietnamese, except when interacting on an individual basis, when I use English.’‘Lady Borton, who speaks Vietnamese, finds the atmosphere far more hospitable now than in the early years of independence.’